Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The hardest thing about walking as a Christian is resisting the urge to go punch folks square in their lying mouths. Then I go back to The Word and I am reminded they lied on Jesus. While i cannot control what they do-I CAN control how I react. My SIL Donna Kinard-Moore and I had a very deep discussion because this year I have been "thinning the herd" left and right-and standing by my decisions. The majority are two of my mother's sisters and their seeds. I am dealing with my temper. (My temper is LEGENDARY to all who have known me more than 20+ years. I promised my grandmother than I would stop knocking folks the hell out and carry myself as beautiful on the inside as I am on the outside. Anyone who knows me KNOWS that once I make a promise-I work on it INSTANTLY to keep my word. I in turn allowed people to use me as a doormat because I felt being a Christian meant allowing folks to hurt me and I just "turned the other cheek" and forgive as Christ did. But my pastor and I during one of my sessions showed me that even Jesus got angry and flipped tables. lol The anger ISN'T the Sin-the sin lies within my own actions and or reactions. I am a Taurus through and through. Wrong me and you are a WRAP. No backsies. But one day while studying The Holy Spirit was ministering to me: "What if Jesus felt that way about YOU?" What if God said, I am sorry Rave, I just can't forgive you for what you did!" There is no Top Ten permissible sins. There is no get out of hell free card because folks have witnessed my outward behaviors. In what God sees in me that will allow me to strive to be in His Will and Favor. I am learning that while my feelings and hurts are VALID-the turning of the other cheek is acknowledging my anger and hurt, but also giving them to God-and LEAVING THEM THERE. God made me without my help and there is NOTHING He can't handle for me. But the key is TRUSTING that however God handles it-keep me own nose Clean. I refuse to live this short life hating and holding onto things that aren't edifying my spirit. I refuse to say "I just don't trust NO ONE." To live under that umbrella is saying that you don't even trust yourself to assess and make wise decisions. There are no perfect people. I WILL SAY that for every person I cut off-God has been sending SO MUCH BETTER into my life. Cutting them off wasn't a loss. God couldn't send better until I cleaned up MY OWN messes. It may seem hard, but if you hold your peace and TRUST God-you will find it getting easier and easier. There is something about a woman from what I have learned from others as well as myself; that after 40-you have less anger and patience for nonsense. I no longer have "circles" be it inner or outer circles because circles are round. You just find yourself going around and round with the same garbage with no escape. I now have more of a parallelogram way of thinking and folks who are in my life. Rave #StraightTalkExpress

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