Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Living in Light

Being a Taurus, it is quite easy for me to hold a grudge. For a LONG TIME. Seriously. My grandmother used to say that I was “tenderhearted”(feelings easily bruised).

I have always felt that because I gave 100% to my friendships, relationships, work and associations-that I should get 100% right back.

Well life isn’t like that. It is hard for me to accept that as a fact, but through honest and true prayer and meditation-that battle I truly gave to God. Period.

I mentioned on my radio show a few weeks ago about the friend of mine who told me to “leave her in her misery.” I was FLOORED but when I took ME out of the equation-she was absolutely correct. She had EVERY RIGHT to stew and marinate in her misery.

But I had rights as well. I choose to live in the Light. In the positive even when I have shed bitter tears of confusion as to The why? Why? Because life is such a gift and who am I to spit on God’s gift to me? It’s like giving someone a Silver Shadow Rolls Royce and they key it up.

I have found that when some of you all are going through your WAHHHHHH WAHHHHHH WAHHHHHHHH phase, I will reach out and if you snap at me-I will leave your tookus right in the mire. Because that is where you WANT to be and who am I to try to save you. lol

Why you may ask? Because in my short time on God’s Earth, I have learned that misery is your comfort zone.

Oh, you may SAY that you desire to be happy. You have every Iyanla Vanzant, Steve Harvey Walk like a duck books, Dr. Phil and Oprah’s self help manuals and every available tool out there-yet you still cry bitter tears in your pillow.

The cure isn’t in a tape, or a book. The cure resides inside of you.

Misery is a learned behavior. When you were born you weren’t born in misery. You may have had miserable experiences or as you aged things happened to have you in misery-but you have the decision to be there.

I have been DEVESTATED by family members, friends, associates and shoo people I never really had anything to do with. But the one thing I had to learn in this life is this: Stop giving people permission to get and STAY on your nerves.

Even God Himself does not override our free will therefore who are YOU to think you can override someone else’s? No matter how much you care or “love” that person free will is always in the mix.

If I could make folk “BEHAVE” I would be a kazillionairess. Wars would be erradicated, everyone would have full bellies and love would be abound. I can no more override someones free will as I will ever be a size two again.

I have learned to acknowledge my hurt. Snot, yell, cry some more maybe even kick my feet. When I blow my nose and wash my face, you and whatever the issue goes right down that drain. Then I am DONE.

My family members and friends are over here on this page. Ask them. I can be in a room with a so called enemy and don’t even SEE them even if they are sitting next to me. Not with an attitude-they just don’t EXIST to me.

I used to fight. I could punch you out better than some dudes. I am older now. They don’t allow smoking in jail. I like my cigarettes.

Life became so much better when I learned to drop grudges. When you hurt me, you have already messed up. You won’t get another chance. So why should I hold onto my anger breaking my own spirit down while you have gone on? Oh, you DO Know that the person/people DO MOVE ON? No sleepless nights. No heavy hearts. No misery at hurting YOU.

Then there are the ” I just GOT TO LET EM KNOW” disease. Le sighhhh. These people get on my LAST NERVES. You tell them to move on and they are so focused on LETTING their enemy KNOW-that you could squat and play in your butt and get a better response. They don’t hear you-because they are letting folks Know.

Yep, letting their enemy KNOW that they can manipulate their emotions ANYTIME THEY FEEL LIKE.

I leave these types of folk alone as well. I don’t have bail money for you letting someone KNOW.

Walk in the light people. Let the dead weight GO. Make a firm decision to Live and enjoy this gift we call Life.

Do you know that over 95% of the things that so call irk you, or piss you off are really insignificant? At the time, they seem soooooooooo HUGE and when you look back on it-you ask yourself, “Why did I even allow that to piss me off?”

Think about it. Then go find your Light.

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