I want you to know that I am finally accepting that you and God made a decision to go to Him. The Christian in me knows that He doesn't make mistakes but the human side of me was and just a little bit still mad and selfish that you left me.
I can remember all of my activities and how you would sacrifice so I could play in the school band or hunting a red skirt and white blouse in the dead of winter so I could perform. I didn't know until years later that you used money that you had set aside for yourself to buy clothes just for me and my sister. How I needed to make a chocolate mousse for French class and we got up and made it together. How we went leaf hunting and you ironing the leaves perfectly straight between wax paper. Half of my A's you were responsible and the other half I credit Daddy.
I thank you for allowing my phases: blue hair, black and blonde hair, plastering heavy metal artists all over my wall and forgiving me for trying to get a tattoo in the kitchen.
I miss your wake up calls to make sure I am up to go to work. I miss you calling me all times a night to tell me the order numbers on QVC and Hsn. I miss painting with you. I miss you waking me up before God and nem just to talk and make nana puddin-and you knew how much I DESPISED nana pudding. There I would be stirring that dang custard with sleep in my eyes and you sitting at the kitchen table saying, "Don't forget to stir the custard."
I play monopoly online now. Everytime I see the iron token, I get mad cuz you always beat me with that iron. You were the only one who could beat me in Monopoly, Scrabble and our favorite-YATZEE!
I remember when I had my reconstructive surgery, waking up and choking and you lifted my head. You even made me smile because the first surgery had me one door from pediatrics and because of low beds I was now actually in the pediatric unit. lol I remember before the nurse made you leave, you putting my lil white bear in my arms for me because I couldn't lift my arms. I made the nurses put it back exactly like you had it when they would come in.
We still have the New Years Day videos where you and I would have just a pinch too much champagne and we both would start crying and atoning for the previous years fussing. lol Five minutes later, we would be off to the races with brand new fussing. lol
Welp, another Mother's Day is coming up. It is strange not having a nervous breakdown to find THE PERFECT GIFT for the woman who had EVERYTHING ALREADY. Funny how you would torture me even further by NOT giving Qvc and Hsn item numbers as hints around that time. So I would have pour over the stores sweating and panting and mean mugging folks who dared to touch a Possible gift item I was reaching for.
I don't know why I stressed so much because whether it was a raggedy ashtray I made wif my own wittle hands or some gift I purchased, I always got your glow and love with anything I gave you.
How ironic, that you died on the very holiday you loved soooooooooo much. New Years Day hasn't been the same.
I used to cry bitter tears, but now I just feel a little sad, but the hurt is dulling to a tolerable pain now.
In closing,I thank God for giving me you for a Mom.
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