If you listened to my radio show, You would THINK that NO ONE listens to my show. No matter how many times I give out the call in number-NOTHING. Right?
Well, my actual numbers belie this fact. My actual numbers are HIGH.
On my Facebook fan page, I am holding at 124 "likes" but because my link is also accessible the actual hits are in the tens of thousands. Seriously. Twice a week, I have dedicated to answering hundred of emails individually. Literally. 931 followers on Twitter and I actively communicate with about 20.
Lately, I have been contemplating OUTTING them. Asking them WHY the covert support? It makes absolutely NO SENSE to me. Why are you so SHY about saying, "Yes, I support Raven? "
I get complaints now because I cut my show to a half hour (after threatening for a full year to do so) from two hours-in my emails. I am told that my shows are TOO SHORT now. I have contemplated going to an hour but I REFUSE to do so until I have more audience participation.
But my audience is SHY. No matter what I post on the fan page-only five will actually respond. Of my 931 followers on Twitter only 7 will ever retweet my posts on a consistent basis.
This is nothing new. On messageboards, folks are proud to contact me in a private message-but are public mutes. On my own messageboard where I have cut the membership down to ten-three folks will post once ever four to five months. Even after making my personal board PRIVATE-they still won't post.
Looking at these stats this week has me asking-why the covert support and not the PUBLIC support? What it does is make me observe more closely those whose lying fingers praise-but they don't want to let the world know they agree with my show.
So far, my show from this past Sunday has the THIRD highest ratings of this quarter-yet you wouldn't know that by the responses.
Of all of the people who read this post-at the MOST 3 MAY respond publicly.