Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Annual little Vent

As I surf the internet, I find things that educate me, amuse me, make me give the SERIOUS SIDE to, and then there are the things that just ticks me off.

Number One on my list-The Religious Folk.

Religious Folk annoy me. They go on gossip boards, post their groupie excursions and then try to PREACH thus saith the Lord. They try to convince me and other folks that they HAVE to get married because they are pregnant because that is what God requires. They condemn abortion-yet will willingly sleep with another woman's husband.

Now call me crazy, but I thought pre-marital sex and adultery are on God's top ten list of what you shouldn't do.

Organized religion is to me just a way that folks who DO SIN tell others that they can't.

I myself try to live a righteous Godly life, but I don't lie to God (because He knows the TRUTH ANYWAY) nor to myself because that isn't how one grows in their walk to get closer to HIM.

Secondly, STANS should be locked up in psychiatric facilities.
You don't KNOW this person, yet you know the color of their poo and how they live their daily lives. The worse of these STANS are the Michael Jackson STANS. Not FANS but psychotic individuals who has NEVER even had Michael say Boo Boo Kitty to them. They know who he screwed, what he did and didn't do on a daily basis. Funny, during his two trials where were these folks TESTIFYING on Michael s behalf at his trial on the stand? Where were they when he needed intervention?

I admired the man greatly and deeply, but there is a difference in loving and admiring someone vs acting like a damned psycho.

Thirdly, The Glorifying of Mistresses and Groupies.
These women can't tell me NADA. I don't care how many Wives of...shows that are put on the air, am I the only person who realizes that 99 % of these women AREN'T WIVES?

Real Housewives of Atlanta is Bravo's HIGHEST rated show, yet it's the only single solitary Housewives franchise that isn't entirely black I mean they havea token white woman-who ironically is the breakout star? These women live in deluded worlds of money and loneliness. Where are the Husbands?

Shaunie Oneal sits like the big pimpstress over Basketball wives-but how come she isn't educating future WIVES based on her her own learning lessons? Because she knows Drama sells and she is cashing in all of the way to the bank.

There is nothing glamorous about being a mistress or a groupie. A whore is a whore no matter how you try to dress it up.

The real reality show should show the bitter truth about being just a sperm receptacle.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Daddy

I have the BEST Father ever. When God gave out Daddies, he knew I would need one like the one HE gave me. Though we fuss, and sometimes life doesn't mean that we understand each others walks-I have always known in my heart my earthly Protector has my back.

Who else could CRUSH the dudes I brought by the house hands to see if they were "weak" in character and or spirit? Who else could be the literal fear of God in potential mates if they hurt his six foot two BABY? lol

God showed me what a REAL MAN is all about in being raised by you. A real man went to work EVERYDAY and never allowed his daughters to know a hungry day nor a homeless day. A Real Man worked from midnight to eight and met his "Oldest Sixx" at the train station if only to see her get on the train to school safely.

A Real Man who brought his daughters pizza and junk food when Mother was away and the day before made the proper meals we should have been eating all along.

I now fully understand why you were emphatic about us not dating before sixteen and encouraging not only myself but my sister as well in being INDEPENDENT Ladies-even when I at least I insisted on being a Rock N Roller rebel-complete with Blue or Green or Pank Hurr.

I can remember chilling sitting on your lap vibing with Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Sly and The Family Stone or even Crosby, Stills, and Nash. I can also remember bonding over Prince and me introducing you to AC/DC and convincing you they weren't devil worshipers. lol

Though I have a ton of Mommy's qualities-I also have yours. The sense of not living a lie no matter what. The sense of deep commitment to those who are close to you and learning when to cut a mofo off when they need to be. To be hard working and ethical no matter WHAT THE MAN says I should do in order to advance.

You don't think I still do it, but every birthday-I assess my life and my mistakes and make that list of what I need to do to improve myself not only for prosperity in my bank accounts-but my spiritual bank account.

I observed you care for your wife, my mother. How you would do HARD LABORIOUS work and rush home if only to clean her mouth with the glycerin swabs and make sure she was comfortable as you watched woman you married 35 years prior die daily before you. You were faithful and it pained you-but you never abandoned her in her time of need.

When I said I wanted to sing-you made me practice. When I picked up various instruments, you paid for them and made me practice. When I couldn't do my math, you found an ancient book of math to confuse me and keep me in tears. But I passed my math and the running joke is that I became an Accountant despite myself. When I had to performed you got out of you much needed sleep to attend.

So many of my peers have HORROR stories about their dads or no story at all.

One of my lasting memories is when I graduated and Mommy was in the hospital in ICU. This spanish chick hit my sister and I of course went to fight her three days before graduation. I lost the fight because someone tripped me as I was wailing on that behind. I came home MAD and you looked at me and laughed because I was concerned whether or not I had a scratch on my face or if it was as swollen as I thought it was. lol

You convinced me I wasn't marked and on graduation day when I was nervous about being the tallest girl-when I walked that aisle the paparazzi-I mean you were right there snapping my pictures. In between you blinding me, I saw Grandma YoYo right there grinning and cheering for me.

When we went to visit Mommy in the ICU-you keeping taking my doggone pictures. lol But I always kept that memory in my heart.

My second memory that stands above all was the day I came to your job with two dozen pink roses. You came and received those roses proudly. Your co-workers were worried about who was this woman bringing flowers to El Gato. lol

My third top memory was at Mother's funeral and the re-pass. Not ONE SOUL could say you cheated on her during the marriage, nor mistreated her. Through my tears, and bitter pain my chest did puff out with pride listening to folks praise you.

Yes, there are a gazillion memories I could mention-but those are my top three. There isn't an aunt, or cousin who can dispute these facts.

Though we butt heads-God KNOWS we butt heads a lot-I wouldn't trade you for ANYTHING. You and my Sister are my WORLD-everything else and anyone else is added dressing. It is just the three of us now and if God took me away today or tomorrow-I have been better than blessed to have you in my life.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So who's really cashing in on the single Black woman/Black love phenomena???

I'm really wondering? In my opinion, you have the LEAST QUALIFIED people leading discussions, selling books, going on talk shows and giving advice to Black women on how to pull and marry a man???? Maybe it's just me, but that seems really off!

Tariq Nasheed has these podcasts about single black women. Yet, he's an unmarried, well into his 30's Black man, probably with no intent to marry.

Hill Harper wrote "The Conversation" yet he's a 43 year old single, never been married Black man. But he wants us to discuss this issue (BTW, I loved the book).

Steve Harvey. Okay, so he's married. YET, he's been married like 3 times, and didn't his ex wife call him out for playing her on the alimony, etc.???

Then you have women like Michelle McKinney Hammond. Once again, unmarried, but the author of books like "How to Be Found by the Man You've Been Looking For," "How to Make Love Work," "Secrets of an Irresistible Woman" and "101 Ways to Get and Keep His Attention"

Then these specials like ABC, CNN, etc. These shows aren't actually doing anything to help the Black community. Essence is always negative about Black love.

I am positive about all love, including Black love. So who's really cashing in on the single Black woman/Black love phenomena???

Thursday, February 11, 2010

From Hoe/Bitch to Mammie

Black “folk” not black people KILL me with their mess. If folk would get as passionate about the kids on the streets slinging drugs and teenage pregnancy as they do stirring the pot on non issues, we could really progress as a people.

Over Christmas I was sitting with my father and sister and the subject of growing up in the projects came up. Yes, before we got the house here in Jersey, we lived in one of New Yorks nicest projects.

I hated every minute of it. I was miserable. Not because it was the projects, but because the people were HORRIBLE to me. I quickly learned to knock folk out who picked on me. I am very tall (now six two), was accused of “talking white”, and I committed the worst sin of all-I loved and still do love rock n roll. I had the nerve to be smart and actually did my homework and passed my tests.

I didn’t hang outside with the other kids, I would travel to The Village and hang with the hippies and sing in Washington Square Park. My bff and dreamed of running away to go and live with Prince.

I have always been proud of me and my heritage. I have never limited myself to any one race of people or genre of music. I love trying different cultures foods and music. Growing up in the 70’s and 80’s right off of the civil rights movement, I have a great pride and responsibility to carry the mantle that those before me passed on to me.

I have always hated the word Nigger and unfortunately the first time I heard it was from a black man-the late great Redd Foxx. I learned more racist words from watching Archie Bunker. My parents always answered my myriad of questions and as I grew older I realized that people are just dumb.

I also can appreciate a warped sense of humor. I love George Carlin, Sam Kinnison, Richard Pryor, Simply Marvelous, Adele Givens, and Kathy Griffith. I really do. I was an avid Howard Stern listener from the moment he was on 66 WNBC am radio. Since I won’t pay for radio, I haven’t heard him in years.

So, having John Mayer as a friend isn’t all that shocking to me. He is a musical genius who continuously practices his craft. But he is an ass. I will be the first to say it. lol He just rambles whatever is on the top of his dome and now his current Playboy article is causing a riot on twitter and elsewhere.

He likened his penis to David Duke a KKK leader and he dropped the N bomb. All in one fell swoop. Reading his comments about his ex girlfriends was annoying me anyway but he didn’t quit while he was ahead. I was salty reading the article but then I moved on.

I thought about it and I forgave him. Publicly. I didn’t condone what he said, but like I said-he is an ass sometimes. I am not trying to date him, so he saying he doesn’t date black women doesn’t offend me. I don’t date short men. Cest la Vie!

Now later on, the firestorm hit Twitter. John Mayer is a RACIST! Mostly written by black people.

John Mayer isn’t a racist. An Ass, yes. A racist? Get real.

I have seen and heard WORSE from my own people. Why isn’t anyone up in arms when JayZ said on CAMERA when he was describing Amil (remember her?) as the classic black beauty because she was “Exotic” and classy looking? Why isn’t anyone up in arms about his wife who performs like an upscale stripper while singing “empowerment” songs?

BET is the most insulting channel on cable next to VH1. Headed by a black woman, tom foolery is constantly being fed to young black men and women DAILY. Videos of black women getting credit cards swiped down their asses and basically playing harem women to theses fools.

Where are todays Sidney Poiters, Ozzie Davis, and Cicely Tyson, and Diahanne Carrols? Black people who walked with dignity? Even Tina Turner and Lola Falana sexy as they were (and still are) carry themselves with CLASS.

With the surgence of “Black Hollywood” the images being spit out can’t be blamed on WHITE PEOPLE anymore. You can’t find a dark skinned sister in their movies and videos in a leading capacity.

Listen to rap songs of today. Bitches and hoes in every lyric. Folk have had forums DEFENDING the right to use the N word because when WE say it -it’s with love.

Miss me with that b.s.

I am not buying it and if we want respect from other races and cultures-we have to start within our own. Period.

When we see one of our own objectifying one of our own-we need to check it on the spot.

Holly Robinson Peete was referred to as a Mammie because she was quoted as saying she was flattered that John Mayer had her on his hot list of women he would love to sleep with. Why should she be called a Mammie when she is a Mommy to her four kids and a WIFE to her husband?

We don’t laud people like her who exemplify what a black family is SUPPOSED to look like. What the Obamas exemplify what a black family is supposed to look like.

We embrace dead beat dads and baby mamas. Why?

Before we check John Mayer about what he said, we need to check ourselves about what we are doing to each other FIRST.

Black is very beautiful and we are a great culture, we need to start showing it to US first and the world THEN would take a page from our very own stories. We can’t demand respect or that people stop using hurtful words until we stop doing it FIRST.