Sunday, July 20, 2008

It's is OK to be YOU

I have been online a number of years and I have seen a lot. The one thing that sticks out to me is the sadness I see in womens writings, pictures and posts.

Seems like women are doing and advertising ANYTHING in hopes to gain attention. The funny thing is, that even the men try to tell the women that all of that extra stuff isn't necessary.

I have never seen so many bi-sexual, tri-sexual, super freaks of the weeks and women wonder why they continue to be single and lonely.

False advertising is the number complaint men have about us gals.

I will be discussing that and more and hopefully it will reach at least ONE person and turn her life around.

It is open for full discussion, questions and debates even. As long as it is done in love, everyone will be able to express ones self here.

Learn to love You First
Men don't do you more than what you ALLOW. That is the bald faced truth.

You see the signs, yet you pretend that you don't. Albert Einstein defines insanity as the act of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I agree with Al.

You cannot be afraid to be alone. You really can't. You need to get to know you long before the Cosmo magazine and Vogue fashions of the moment. You need to get to know you before dating.

If you can't stand to be with YOU, how on Earth can you expect someone else to put up with you?

You say how or it's too hard. No it really isn't. Raw truth? If you have never put forth the effort, how do you know if it works or fail?

When is the last time you took yourself to dinner? How about a movie or lunch? By yourself?

Many of you will say never. You have always used a crutch to go out.

What if someone saw you by yourself-gasp! Get over yourself.

You see if you treat yourself, you will never allow anyone to treat you LESS than how you treat yourself.

Learn how to step out and do things for yourself by yourself and you will draw like minded individuals to you. It works, I promise. You can't do it under the guise of I am going out by myself to meet someone while pretending to get to know myself-that is lying to yourself. You have done it long enough without great results so why continue?

There isn't a woman on this planet who doesn't find flaws within herself. Too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, nose too wide, nose too thin, etc.

You are whom you are and no amount of plastic surgery is going to change that.

One of the biggest misconception is that women get plastic surgery to attract the opposite sex. That is a lie.

Just like fashion, plastic surgery is to make other women jealous. The extra benefit is drawing men to you-it is really to be competitive with other women. To have another woman look at you like you look at other women in envy.

As with all other shallow things, they are only temporal. It is designed that way.

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with make up and fashion. When you feel good about the way you look, you carry yourself differently. But you can't just lean on looks.

This weekend, take some time for yourself with just yourself. Even if you just take two hours just to take in a movie. Make that your quality time.

Fix yourself just as cute and sexy as if you would for a date. Don't be afraid, the only person who will be concerned about you being alone is you.

One of the things I love to do regardless if involved or single-I love cafes. I will take myself to a cafe and order a nice brunch then go to a museum. I take my time and I just ENJOY that moment.

Doing that taught me how to teach my mate how to enjoy that moment with me.